What dec had to say!
A year ago I was busking in Rochester High Street and entering talent competitions so I can't believe that I've just recorded my debut album. I must thank songwriter Barry Mason, (Uncle Barry as we call him) for taking time to listen to some of my early recordings (my first bit of luck), which firstly led me to being signed to the XENEX Music Group, my production company and then to EMI records. Thanks to everyone at EMI and especially to Teresa for the fun at Brighton's photo shoot.
Over the past few months a number of very important and talented people have come into my life and I am very grateful to them all. Firstly, I would like to thank, the coolest record producers in the world, Ian and Stuart Mack (Brothers Mack) along with Tim Eames, my ace engineer, for making my recording sessions great fun, with lots of tea and sandwich breaks and more importantly Playstation 2 (we will beat James Bond!). The famous publicist Max Clifford and his top press person, Mary, who do such a fantastic job on press and publicity. (I love your office, Max and all the girls there.). Then there's Nick Constable who is the business brain behind Xenex. He has the best parties and I love going to his house (Thanx for my Playstation 2, Nick). My voice coach Tee Green (you still haven't told me why they call you Tee!) And finally, my manager "The" Alan Field, who looks after me very well. He's very old (not really, Alan), but very cool!!
I feel very proud of my album and would like to says thanx again to Ian, Stuart and Uncle Barry for all the lovely original songs they wrote especially for me. There are so many other songs that I love to sing, which we didn't have time for. I hope we can do a lot of them on my next album.
My love to my little sister Bernadette for all the times she's had to wait around for me without complaints......thanks sis!
I feel very lucky with everything that's happened to me, but none of this would have been possible, and I wouldn't be writing these words if it were not for my Mum and Dad, whose faith, time and encouragement has allowed me to do the thing I love most.Sing.
I dedicate this album to 'My Poppy Ben'.
declan x x x